I am here to share what we use to help learn the states and Capitals. My bucket list includes a road trip to these wonderful states and learning unique things about them. Fellow homeschool parents have also shared wonderful ideas on how to learn the States and Capitals. There are new apps that are recommended, board games, books, crafts, and YouTube resources found to be wonderful in learning the states and capitals. I hope you find these resources helpful in your homeschool adventure.
I will return with even more amazing resources!
Available Apps
Straterra App
Stack the States App
Scrambled States of America Board Game
Homeschool Pop US States
Tour the States Song
50 States that Rhyme by Raggs
What I have found and used over the years:
Growing up, I learned the States by Alphabetical Order. Here is a fun YouTube of them in alphabetical order by 50 states that Rhyme, by Raggs https://youtu.be/JxHGiLYEaV8?si=fE5p3U-sacRe4gBo
I have since, purchased a curriculum from Confessions of a Homeschooler who teaches through the Regions. She calles it Roadtrip USA. It is a consumable with a CD option. https://store.confessionsofahomeschooler.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=70_73_75&products_id=189
Highlights Magazine has a wonderful option for crafts, interesting facts, and fun games through a subscription they call, Which Way USA Book Club Subscription. It is consumable and very reasonably priced. https://shop.highlights.com/which-way-usa-club
This song incorporates the different regions that the Roadtrip USA uses with a fun intro song with each region having a fun theme. The regions are: West, Midwest, South, Northeast. 50 States and Capitals Song: https://youtu.be/ALmFA3P0urM?si=QKHwqdJqzoJjT3Lo
For your organization and scheduling needs, here are the Regions and what Capitals and States are in each region.
West Region
Phoenix, Arizona
Salt Lake City, Utah
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Helena, Montana
Carson City, Nevada
Denver, Colorado
Boise, Idaho
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Juno, Alaska
Sacramento, California
Olympia, Washington
Salem, Oregon
Honolulu, Hawaii
Midest Region
Springfield, Illinois
Indianapolis, Indiana
Lansing, Michigan
Madison, Wisconsin
Columbus, Ohio
Topeka, Kansas
Jefferson City, Missouri
Lincoln, Nebraska
Des Moines, Iowa
Pierre, South Dakota
Bismarck, North Dakota
St. Paul, Minnesota
South Region
Dover, Delaware
Tallahassee, Florida
Annapolis, Maryland
Atlanta, Georgia
Raleigh, North Carolina
Columbus, South Carolina
Richmond, Virginia
Charleston, West Virginia
Montgomery, Alabama
Frankfort, Kentucky
Jackson, Mississippi
Nashville, Tennessee
Little Rock, Arkansas
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Austin, Texas
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Northeast Region
Augusta, Main
Boston, Massachusetts
Concord, New Hampshire
Hartford, Connecticut
Providence, Rhode Island
Montpelier, Vermont
Albany, New York
Trenton, New Jersey
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania